
Palestra: Redes de Sensores em Ambientes Industriais [Link para os slides:Palestra_SaSilva_OuroPreto_Março2012]

Data: 12/03/2012
Internet is growing, not only in number of users, but also in the
number of devices connected. This growth of the Internet requires more
bandwidth, greater quality of service and mobility support. Despite
the importance of these topics, we cannot discard the relevance of
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs) in what the Future
Internet is concerned. The integration of WSANs in the Internet will
revolutionize several concepts and it will require new paradigms.
However, despite the considerable research effort in the area of WSANs
in the past decade, and the maturity of some of its base technologies,
many challenges persist like reliability and mobility.

This talk will address some of the work carried out in the Laboratory
of Communications and Telematics of University of Coimbra about future
scenarios for WSANs. It will present some results on the use of IP in
WSANs, evaluating its advantages/disadvantages in mobile scenarios,
and on reliability on WSANs. As many applications for WSN involve some
form of mobility, the fundamental question is to evaluate the impact
of the mobility of sensor nodes, sinks, and relays; and in which way
mobility can improve network performance and enable new applications.

Additionally, the FP7 GINSENG project will be presented. The proposed
paradigms provide a new way for allowing performance controlled in

About the speaker

Jorge Sá Silva received his PhD in Informatics Engineering in 2001
from the University of Coimbra, where is an Assistant Professor at the
Department of Informatics Engineering of the Faculty of Sciences and
Technology of the University of Coimbra and a Senior Researcher of
Laboratory of Communication and Telematics of Centre of Informatics
Engineering of University of Coimbra, Portugal. His main research
interests are Mobility, IPv6, Network Protocols and Wireless Sensor
Networks. He has been serving as a reviewer and publishing in top
conferences and journals in his expertise areas. His publications
include 3 book chapters and over 80 papers in refereed national and
international conferences and magazines. He participated in European
initiatives and projects such as FP5 E-NET, FP6 NoE E-NEXT, FP6 IP
EuQoS, FP6 IP WEIRD and FP7 GINSENG (as Portuguese Leader).  He
actively participated in the organization of several international
conferences and workshops, (e.g. he was the Workshop Chair of IFIP
Networking2006, Publicity Chair of EWSN2009, General Co-Chair of
EWSN2010) and he was also involved in program committees of national
and international conferences. He is a member of IEEE, and he is a
licensed Professional Engineer. His homepage is at


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Minicurso: Computação Evolutiva e Carros Inteligentes

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Minicurso: Redes Neurais aplicadas a sistemas embutidos

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Palestra: Mapas e Localização Android

Autor: Jefferson Rodrigues

Slides [Mpas e Localização]


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