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Main projects

Nuclei detection and classification from cervical cells.

Cell collection platform that enables image classification and segmentation.  CRIC CERVIX collection from conventional Pap Smear.

Collaboration tool for cell analysis.

Continuing education

Cell database contains digital pictures from conventional Pap smears digitized and classified by UFOP-AMBAR.

Cervical cell segmentation using deep neural network.

Hematoxylin-eosin staining image segmentation

Tissue segmentation and area quantification.

CRIC Support

This work was supported by the Brazilian entities CAPES, CNPq, PPSUS, UFOP, UFC, Fapemig. This research is funded in part by the Betty Moore Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation as part of BIDS at the University of California, Berkeley, and by the Office of Science, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.